Meet your Friendly Nieghborhood
Art Teachers.
We can’t wait to share and show you the world of artistic expression and how you can, without words, share what you feel inside your mind, body, and soul.

Romeo Valentino
Founder/art teacher
One of my many dreams have come true.
The opportunity to show, teach, guide and introduce to children and young adults the world of the fine arts. DeliciousPaint is and will be an environment, a creative space for learning and understanding of techniques and thier applications. Welcome to class!

Jonna Ljósá
art teacher
I love to see how art sparks creativity into the minds of children. Thier curiosity along with thier courage to create a work of their own is inspiring and uplifting for me to observe and experience. DeliciousPaint is a concept I’m proud to be a part of. So sharpen your colored pencils, wet your brushes. See you in art school!